While we’re making freelancers’ lives easier, talking about what we’re doing might get confusing. Here are our most commonly used phrases and what they mean.
Freelancer - if you’re reading this, there is a big chance it’s you! :) Freelancer is an independent contractor that works on a job-to-job basis. We help freelancers be truly independent as we make it possible to invoice clients without owning a company.
Client - when we say “client,” we mean the freelancer’s client. It’s the person or company that commissions the job to the freelancer.
Invoice - the document the client gets that lists the services provided by the freelancer. Usually, you need a company to issue one, but Useme can do it for you! The client will get it after paying a deposit.
Deposit - if the freelancer signs a contract with the client before they start working, they need to send us money for you as a deposit. We keep it safe until you finish work.
Job - jobs are the projects that freelancers do for their clients.
Private offer - job offers the client sends to the freelancer of their choice. They don’t appear on the marketplace.
Payout - the payment freelancer receives for their work.
Price - the amount you’re going to get paid for your work.
Service fee - a small percentage of the work price paid for Useme’s service. The client is the one who pays for it.
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