Useme is a service that helps you get paid by your client, no matter where they're from. In addition, we have a marketplace where you can find new projects or look for a freelancer.
You will learn from the following text:
How to add a job to the marketplace?
To add a job and receive offers from freelancers, click on the Post a Job button and give the details that will allow freelancers to send personalized offers.
- Choose a job category.
- Describe the project in as much detail as possible.
- Specify the budget. If you're unsure about the rates, you can leave it to freelancers to propose their rates.
- State for how long you want to receive offers.
Give as many details as possible. It will help freelancers estimate the price and the time necessary to finish the project.
Don't disclose your contact details in the job description. Don't recruit for a stationary part-time or full-time job.
Please remember not to disclose your contact details in a job's description or to carry out any recruitment process for a stationary part-time or full-time job. Check this article for more information about adding jobs to Useme.
How to post an offer to a job?
To post an offer to the job that interests you, you need the freelancer profile in Useme. If you have a profile, enter a job, and click onPost a job offer button. Then provide the necessary details:
- The scope of work you can do.
- A brief description of your relevant experience.
- Your rate or price for a job.
- The time necessary to finish the job.
How to find a freelancer?
To find a freelancer with specific skills, search in the Find a freelancer tab on the top menu. You can also send a private job offer to the chosen freelancer. Learn more about private job offers.
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